The Digital Journey Planner (DJP) has become a cornerstone tool for digital initiatives across General Practice.
Since its launch, it is now being used by almost 1800 practices (over 26% of UK practices) across over 700 PCNs, with nearly 13,500 actions recorded and nearly 450 active action plans underway.
What a remarkable legacy. But as we are nearing the DJP’s 4th anniversary, it is the right time for a rethink. Just as Primary Care and PCNs has had to change dramatically since their inception in 2020, so has the DJP.
We are working on a significant upgrade for release later in the year. The ethos, however, has remained the same – it is about striving to make the lives of general practice easier. Redmoor’s skilled team have firsthand experience of the frontline in primary care so they recognise the challenges faced daily by staff and patients. The products remain, as always, aimed at helping, empowering and supporting them.
You said, so we did – we have made sure we have engaged and listened to you, our valuable clients. We have spent the time gathering feedback on what works, what could be done better and what is missing.
So we are delighted to introduce a next generation version of DJP, which will be launched later this year.
Replacing the DJP, the new solution will not just be about digital, but real transformation.
The upgrade recognises the different roles now operating in primary care and PCNs compared with nearly five years ago – and more importantly, their different priorities and needs.
The new system will have specific functionalities tailored for the various roles now present in primary care including digital and transformation leads, digital champions, PCN managers, and practice managers, alongside a structured framework for global assessments and detailed action plans.
Users will be able to design their own profile so they can look at just the level of information that they need and want to see. The PCN view is a new aspect – allowing users to see the information at practice level or across the whole network. ICB level gives an even bigger picture still, linking to national priorities, whilst being able to drill down to local level if needed.
The new look system will recognise the importance of continued professional development and the upcoming enhancements aim to streamline access to our educational content, ensuring learning opportunities are just a click away.
You wanted clarity on impact so we will make it easier for you to see what improvements are being made and how you can track their progress.
It will no longer be just a planner – the software will look at global assessments and in-depth assessments, creating one central action plan with impact and importance rating attached to it.
Actions will include learning, priority areas, materials to focus on implementation, impact and looking at opportunities for the future.
Yet, it will still look at the important themes of access, workforce, demand, capacity and leadership.
You wanted us to streamline patient journeys as much as possible and efficiently as possible so it will do just that.
We will also move to just one licence, rather than the previous three. However, you can self-serve or get further support at any time it is needed, depending on your need and level of knowledge, the level of change management you are doing or your staffing level.
And it doesn’t stop there, the solution will continue to evolve as primary care and the challenges you are facing continue to change.
And you have an opportunity to be part of it. We have created an expert user group so we can share learning, co-design, create new features in the future and share insights.
We are looking for people to get involved and be part of the journey and early testers of the platform. Drop me a line at to find out more.

Blog by Helen Derbyshire
Helen is an experienced Business Manager with close to 10 years’ experience in Primary Care as a Managing Partner & Practice Manager. Helen has an in-depth knowledge of digital solutions that support Primary Care.
Helen has a wealth of experience in all aspects of practice management and the challenges faced. Furthermore, Helen has implemented digital solutions to help tackle many of these challenges. Helen was an early adopter of remote care in Nursing Home settings. Helen has experience with practice mergers and working at scale. Helen is passionate about utilising and developing digital solutions to help deliver system change and to help practices work smarter.
Helen also has a strong background in compliance and led her Practice through their CQC inspection achieving an outstanding rating across all 5 domains – placing the Practice in the top 1-2% in the UK. Helen has worked for CQC on Inspection Teams and was invited by CQC to present as a guest speaker at the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Excellence in Primary Care Conference 2018 on the topic of achieving excellence in Primary Care. Helen has an excellent understanding of the Practical application of compliance.
Helen has a first-class honours degree in Human Resource Management and a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education and has completed the NHS leadership programme.
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