Difficulties in getting through to primary care services via telephone are a widely reported problem across the country. NHS England South East commissioned Redmoor Health to support PCNs and Practices in their region to optimise the use of their chosen telephony systems, for the benefit of their regional patient population. The PCNs and practices were all at different stages in their journey, with some having had products in place for a long time, compared to others who were only just getting set up.
Waterfield Surgery, which is based over two sites, had received feedback from their patients via their 2023 GP Survey which highlighted some dissatisfaction from patients about getting through to the practices on the telephone, call wait times were high and many calls were being abandoned. Waterfield Surgery was committed to replacing their existing phone system at the practice with Surgery Connect, which was being used in their wider GP Federation, and as a result, there was an opportunity to access more data from the new system, and therefore interrogate their processes as a result of accessing this data.