Difficulties in getting through to primary care services via telephone are a widely reported problem across the country. NHS England South East commissioned Redmoor Health to support PCNs and Practices in their region to optimise the use of their chosen telephony systems, for the benefit of their regional patient population. The PCNs and practices were all at different stages in their journey, with some having had products in place for a long time, compared to others who were only just getting set up.
Charter Medical Centre has nearly 31,000 registered patients and were understandably struggling with the volume of calls and the associated call wait times for their patients. They were having difficulty in breaking down and understanding their data and being able to visualise the pain points.
Redmoor Health were asked to help the PCNs and Practices understand how they can use their data to make relevant changes and improve their processes such as call flows, call queuing and call backs to support access and demand. This was done in a way that allowed practices within a PCN to align their processes, so that all patients have the same experience when accessing primary care.
Redmoor’s programme management and coordination included:
- Development and delivery of webinars
- 1:1 sessions with PCNs/practices
- Training sessions on understanding data, and process mapping
- Reviewed telephone data and call flows
- ‘Cheat sheet’ development to help staff use systems effectively.