At Redmoor Health, we’ve been helping GP practice teams, primary care, the wider NHS and local communities to, support patients to ‘get online’ and access health services for several years now. We have also been out and about this year at various events asking the question, ‘Does your digital front door revolve?’.
We ask this question in relation to the experience of patients who report their online user journey as ‘going around in circles’. Similarly, providers in the NHS and healthcare sector have access to a myriad of digital products, not always well designed or interconnected; that occasionally send people shooting off in directions they weren’t expecting or losing them on the way to finding help.
Primary care staff often ask us for help to understand all the features available on the different software and systems they have access to. We also help to coach the healthcare team on how to get the best out of these technologies. So, we were delighted to see the announcement that the NHS App is being redesigned!

The NHS App redesign
The NHS App redesign has come off the back of extensive user research aiming to improve the NHS App’s patient journey and embed the NHS App as an essential part of the primary care digital front door; along with good websites. Combined this improved digital front door will make entry into NHS care easier for patients.
From 12th Dec, NHS App users will be prompted to update their NHS App and will start to see some of the NHS App redesign changes, making things simpler to navigate, with clearer language and a more intuitive experience, wonderful stuff

National ambitions for the NHS App following the NHS App redesign
The NHS has set a target of 75% of the adult population in England to be registered to use the NHS App and NHS website by March 2024.
That’s a big ambition, even with the NHS App redesign, especially considering over 10 million people in the UK still lack the most basic digital skills, according to Good Things Foundation Digital Nation UK 2023.
It’s also not so easy to ask patients to move from another healthcare App that they have used successfully for several years, to something new, such as the NHS App, when they can’t see any immediate additional benefit.
Redmoor Health is giving you free support to use and communicate the NHS App and the NHS App redesign!
We thought we would offer you some help along the way to achieve this target. You can consider this a late Black Friday, Cyber Monday or even an early January Sale deal from the team at Redmoor Health.
In January, we will be hosting a couple of FREE NHS App webinars, not only to walk you through the NHS App redesign changes but also the additional benefits of the NHS App redesign, for both patients and practice staff! We’ll cover how the NHS App can save your teams time and create an easier workflow.
Connecting the NHS App and the NHS App redesign to QOF
For anyone still wondering what to do for their QOF (Quality Outcomes Framework) quality improvement project in practice or PCN (Primary Care Network), we have a simple NHS App action plan to help you increase the number of patients who order their medication online.
We can help you to find your NHS App and online service data as a baseline, so you can show the improvement and help to secure your 30% funding against the capacity access and improvement plans.

A Polite plea to the NHS App data people
Please consider providing the NHS App data out in the open, instead of behind this dashboard and let us help you to share it widely through our digital Maturity Index. If you are curious about the Digital Maturity Index, have a quick look at this explanatory DMI video, where we have just added NHS App as a separate dataset, helping practices to see all of their available ‘online data’ in one place.

Get your patient communications for the NHS App and NHA App redesign out now!
In addition to the content provided in the NHS Digital NHS App toolkit, such as; templated scripts for websites, socials, messages and telephone, Redmoor Health can help to maximise awareness and engagement amongst your patients with a full suite of social media posts ready to release over the coming months as well as additional website content. If you don’t have the time to post, or don’t feel confident in using social media, we can offer you support to do this via our social media managed service. Over 650 practices have chosen this option and if you’d like to see some reviews before you decide, head over to the Practice Index.
Don’t worry if you miss the NHS App webinar on 19th Dec, (we know you are very busy in the run up to the holiday period) you can attend one of our two webinars in Jan 2024. Simply book your place here for 11th Jan 2024, 12 o’clock, or 30th Jan 2024, 12 o’clock.
If you book to join us, we’ll give you the discount code for the social media managed service so you can have 12 months for the price of 9 months at £349 for the year. That’s the equivalent of ½ day locum fee, or 1 week of admin time for a full year service. What’s not to like!
Looking forward to seeing the effects of this as a campaign to support General Practice. If you’d like to join us, get in touch

Blog by Lisa Drake
Lisa supports commissioners at CCG/ICS & Regional level to help to deliver system change and modernise general practice. With almost 20 years experience in the NHS, as an ex-commissioner and Practice manager, Lisa’s work also involves advising practices and PCNs how to improve patients’ digital experience; how to deliver full range of GP Online services and streamline general practice workload. In addition to her role at Redmoor, Lisa remains in the NHS as a Digital Advisor in a practice in the Lake District.
Lisa is a mature student of the Open University specialising in Social Policy, Health and Care communications and relationships and is a member of the Expert Advisory Group for the Remote by Default Research with Nuffield Primary Care Health Sciences and University of Oxford.
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