Optimise Modern General Practice Access

At Redmoor Health, we are committed to improving patient access and streamlining healthcare services. Building on the learnings and outputs from our Explore Modern General Practice Access project, our Optimise Access project leverages digital tools and best practices to create a more efficient and accessible healthcare system.

Why it's important

Optimising access is crucial for improving patient satisfaction, reducing workload on healthcare staff, and ensuring efficient service delivery. By adopting data-driven approaches and modern digital tools, PCNs can enhance patient care and streamline administrative processes.

What the project is about

Optimise Access focuses on implementing comprehensive strategies for improving patient access, communication, and administrative efficiency. By addressing these areas, we help PCNs build a robust framework that meets the diverse needs of all patients.


  • Social Media CPD Course: Providing continuous professional development (CPD) courses on effective use of social media.
  • Website Optimisation: Evaluating website top tasks and patient clicks, adding tools for self-referrals, and optimising content positioning.
  • Telephony Data Utilisation: Using telephony data to inform decision-making processes.
  • Signposting and Care Navigation: Enhancing signposting and care navigation through PCN staff, including a comprehensive directory of services.
  • Data-Driven Messaging: Optimising patient messaging using data insights.
  • OC/Triage Systems Redesign: Redesigning online consultation (OC) and triage systems, using OC data to drive decisions and implement total triage.
  • Patient Self-Referral: Enabling patients to self-refer without needing an appointment.
  • Access Route Optimisation: Streamlining the process for patient access routes.
  • Online Repeat Medications: Encouraging patients to order repeat medications online.
  • Test Results Management: Improving how test results are managed in practice by staff and accessed online by patients.
  • Online Appointment Process: Optimising the online appointment booking process for patients.
  • Sick/Fit Notes Request Process: Enhancing the process for patients and staff to request sick/fit notes and other documentation.
  • Online Medical Records Access: Improving the process for patients to access their medical records online.
  • NHS App Optimisation: Enhancing the NHS App functionalities such as proxy access and secondary care information.
  • Automated Patient Administration: Automating administrative tasks related to patient journeys.
  • Appointment Book Configuration: Configuring appointment books with appropriate colours, icons, slot types, embargos, and appointment lengths.
  • ARRS Utilisation: Maximising the potential of Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) roles to reduce GP workload.
  • Data Interpretation: Training staff to understand, analyse, and draw meaningful insights from data.
  • Future Adaptation: Adapting processes and systems to meet future healthcare demands.

Key components

  • Digital Inclusion: Ensuring all patients have access to digital services and information.
  • Effective Communication: Leveraging social media and digital tools for improved patient communication.
  • Website Health Check: Optimising practice websites for better user experience.
  • Efficient Call Management: Implementing best practices for managing patient calls and messages.
  • Streamlined Navigation: Enhancing patient navigation within the healthcare system through effective signposting and care pathways.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Using data to inform decisions and improve service delivery.
  • Enhanced Patient Access: Making it easier for patients to access services and appointments online.
  • Simplified Administration: Automating administrative tasks to improve efficiency.


  • Consistent Communication: Delivering clear and consistent messages across all channels.
  • Improved Call Management: Implementing best practices in call flow and patient communication.
  • Better Patient Navigation: Providing clear guidance and improving patient access routes.
  • Increased Online Engagement: Boosting the use of online services and appointments.
  • Data-Driven Improvements: Leveraging data from various systems to enhance patient care and access.


  • Improved Access: Enhanced access to services and information for all patients.
  • Better Experience: Improved overall patient experience through effective communication and digital tools.
  • Upskilling Staff: Equipping staff with the necessary skills to manage and implement communication strategies.
  • Increased Digital Literacy: Reducing digital exclusion by increasing digital literacy among patients.

Interested in our Digital & Transformation Managed Service?

    We offer a wide range of services

    Digital & Transformation Managed Service

    Our Digital & Transformation Managed Service has been built to alleviate the difficulties of recruitment while offering PCNs a wealth of digital transformation knowledge and support.
    DJP icon

    Digital Journey Planner

    The DJP is an online self-assessment system for GP Practices. We developed the system with NHS England, to optimise general practice knowledge, understanding and processes, aiming to improve patient experience.
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    Social Media Managed Service

    Our team provides GP practices and Primary Care Networks with high quality patient social media communication, without the burden and pressures associated with managing social media channels.
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    Communications Managed Service

    Our team has a wide ranging skills set, possessing previous experience delivering strategic patient communications support as well as frontline PR and communications within the NHS.

    Procurement & Implementation Support

    Our Procurement & Implementation Support aims to help you deliver every aspect of a successful procurement process from initial exploration of tech solutions to the evaluation, selection and implementation of chosen suppliers.
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    Training Courses

    Our courses, available individually or as part of a bundle, are conducted through interactive live sessions led by experienced professionals. This ensures a practical and engaging learning experience tailored to meet the evolving needs of the NHS workforce.