What is the DJP?
The Digital Journey Planner (DJP) is a web-based self-assessment tool designed to help practices assess their current use and understanding of technology, discover new digital opportunities, solve issues and receive a practice specific implementation plan to help the practice and their patients get the best out of digital technology.
What support is available for practices completing the DJP?
The DJP is a practice-based tool. The completion of the self-assessment questionnaire is intended to be relatively straight forward and is designed to be completed by practice staff. However, some practices may choose to bring in additional support to aid the completion followed by implementation of the suggested recommendations.
What user testing was undertaken before the launch of the DJP?
The DJP ran in beta format for 7 months with testing from a number of practices across the country. Redmoor Health continuously engage with practices to understand experience and make improvements to the DJP. They also work with PCNs and ICBs to improve reporting functionality in the Enhanced licence version.
Will CCGs/ICS receive a copy of the implementation plan from the DJP?
DJP is a supportive tool focused at providing practice and practice staff with the knowledge and confidence to introduce and improve the use of digital services. It is not an assurance tool and should not be used in this manner. Commissioners working with practices to support the implementation of resulting plans will need the agreement of the practices to share their plans. Supports needs to be hands-on, working with practices to map out process, identify and resolve problems, training, and communication with staff etc.
What information will be made available at a regional level to help understand what the uptake of the DJP has been?
The national team will have access to who is registered and who has completed the module, which can be made available through the steering group to regional teams. We would encourage you to engage with practices who take up the offer. Details of improvement plans will stay with the practice. However, if you engage with those practices using the tool and they are happy to share their improvement plans then improvement plans can be aggregated holistic view for commissioner and regional teams.
What is the expectation on ICS/ICBs to fund the resulting implementation plan?
The DJP should provide a more in-depth understanding of the digital capability and usage. This should support ICBs to better understand priorities and access Digital Transformation Fund leading to improvements in service delivery and access in primary care.
The resulting implementation plans will support local commissioners to better understand the priorities at PCN/practice level which should feed into the strategic planning at the ICS level.